Welcome to Gueve Farm- Productivity With Stewardship


The Importance Of Agriculture

Why is agriculture important | Why should we Invest in it.

The Agriculture Sector plays a strategic role in the process of economic development of any nation. It has already made a significant contribution to the economic prosperity of advanced countries and its role in the economic development of less developed countries is of vital importance. In other words, where per capita real income is low, emphasis is being laid on agriculture and other primary industries.

It is seen that increased agricultural output and productivity tend to contribute substantially to an overall economic development of a country, it will be therefore rational and appropriate to place greater emphasis on further development of the agricultural sector.

Importance of Agriculture in Economic Development:

Contribution to National Income:
The lessons drawn from the economic history of many advanced countries tell us that agricultural prosperity contributed considerably in fostering economic advancement. It is correctly observed that, the leading industrialized countries of today were once predominantly agricultural while the developing economies still have the dominance of agriculture and it largely contributes to the national income.

Source of Food Supply:
Agriculture is the basic source of food supply of all the countries of the world—whether underdeveloped, developing or even developed. Due to heavy pressure of population in underdeveloped and developing countries and its rapid increase, the demand for food is increasing at a fast rate. If agriculture fails to meet the rising demand of food products, it is found to affect adversely the growth rate of the economy. Raising supply of food by agricultural sector has, therefore, great importance for economic growth of a country.

Pre-Requisite for Raw Material:
Agricultural advancement is necessary for improving the supply of raw materials for the agro-based industries especially in underdeveloped and developing countries. The shortage of agricultural goods has its impact upon on industrial production and a consequent increase in the general price level. It will impede the growth of the country’s economy. The flour mills, rice shellers, oil & dal mills, bread, meat, milk products, sugar factories, wineries, jute mills, textile mills and numerous other industries are based on agricultural products.

Provision of Surplus:
The progress in agricultural sector provides surplus for increasing the exports of agricultural products. In the earlier stages of development, an increase in the exports earning is more desirable because of the greater strains on the foreign exchange situation needed for the financing of imports of basic and essential capital goods.

Shift of Manpower:
Initially, agriculture absorbs a large quantity of labor force. Agricultural progress permits the shift of manpower from agricultural to non-agricultural sector. In the initial stages, the diversion of labor from agricultural to non-agricultural sector is more important from the point of view of economic development as it eases the burden of surplus labor force over the limited land. Thus, the release of surplus manpower from the agricultural sector is necessary for the progress of agricultural sector and for expanding the non-agricultural sector.

Creation of Infrastructure:
The development of agriculture requires roads, market yards, storage, transportation, and many others for an infrastructure creating demand for industrial products and the development of commercial sector.

Relief from Shortage of Capital:
The development of agricultural sector has minimized the burden of several developed countries who were facing the shortage of foreign capital. If foreign capital is available with the ‘strings’ attached to it, it will create another significant problem. Agriculture sector requires less capital for its development thus it minimizes growth problem of foreign capital.

Helpful to Reduce Inequality:
In a country which is predominantly agricultural and overpopulated, there is greater inequality of income between the rural and urban areas of the country. To reduce this inequality of income (some rich, some poor), it is necessary to give higher priority to agriculture. The prosperity of agriculture would raise the income of the majority of the rural population and thus the disparity (gap) in income may be reduced to a certain extent (more people will be able to afford as a result of this).

Based on Democratic Notions:
If the agricultural sector does not grow at a faster rate, it may result in the growing dissatisfaction amongst the masses which is never healthy for the smooth running of democratic government. For economic development, it is necessary to minimize political as well as social tensions. In case the majority of the people have to be kindled with the hopes of prosperity, this can be attained with the help of agricultural progress. Thus, development of agriculture sector is also relevant on political and social grounds.

Create Effective Demand:
The development of agricultural sector would tend to increase the purchasing power of agriculturists which will help the growth of the non-agricultural sector of the country. It will provide a market for increased production. In underdeveloped countries, it is well known that the majority of people depend on agriculture and they must be able to afford to consume the goods produced.

Therefore, it will be helpful in stimulating the growth of the non- agricultural sector. Similarly, improvement in the productivity of cash crops may pave the way for the promotion of exchange economy which may help the growth of non-agricultural sector. Purchase of industrial products such as pesticides, farm machinery etc. also provide boost to industrial dead out.

Helpful in Phasing out Economic Depression:
During depression, industrial production can be stopped or reduced but agricultural production continues as it produces basic necessities of life. Thus, it continues to create effective demand even during adverse conditions of the economy.

Source of Foreign Exchange for the Country:
Most of the developing countries of the world are exporters of primary products. These products contribute 60 to 70 per cent of their total export earnings. Thus, the capacity to import capital goods and machinery for industrial development depends crucially on the export earning of the agriculture sector. If exports of agricultural goods fail to increase at a sufficiently high rate, these countries are forced to incur heavy deficit in the balance of payments resulting in a serious foreign exchange problem. However, primary goods face declining prices in international market and the prospects of increasing export earnings through them are limited.

Contribution to Capital Formation:
Underdeveloped and developing countries need huge amount of capital for its economic development. In the initial stages of economic development, it is agriculture that constitutes a significant source of capital formation.

Agriculture sector provides funds for capital formation in many ways as:
(i) agricultural taxation,
(ii) export of agricultural products,
(iii) collection of agricultural products at low prices by the government and selling it at higher prices.
(iv) labor in disguised unemployment, largely confined to agriculture, is viewed as a source of investible surplus,
(v) transfer of labor and capital from farm to non-farm activities etc.

Employment Opportunities for Rural People:
Agriculture provides employment opportunities for rural people on a large scale in underdeveloped and developing countries. It is an important source of livelihood. Generally, landless workers and marginal farmers are engaged in non-agricultural jobs like handicrafts, furniture, textiles, leather, metal work, processing industries, and in other service sectors. These rural units fulfill merely local demands.

Improving Rural Welfare:
It is time that rural economy depends on agriculture and allied occupations in an underdeveloped country. The rising agricultural surplus caused by increasing agricultural production and productivity tends to improve social welfare, particularly in rural areas. The living standard of rural masses rises and they start consuming nutritious diet including eggs, milk, ghee and fruits. They lead a comfortable life having all modern amenities—a better house, motor-cycle, radio, television and use of better clothes.

Extension of Market for Industrial Output:
As a result of agricultural progress, there will be extension of market for industrial products. Increase in agricultural productivity leads to increase in the income of rural population which in turn leads to more demand for industrial products, thus development of industrial sector.

From the above cited explanation, I conclude that agricultural development is a must for the economic development of a country especially Liberia. Even developed countries lay emphasis on agricultural development. I will therefore like to appeal to Liberians irrespective of status to invest in agriculture. Let us see agriculture as the new business sector in Liberia. Let us collaborate and invest in agriculture for our common good.

What we do

Our Activities In Addition To Oil Palm

Agriculture Services

1. Agricultural consultancy, training and extension services to clients.
2. Farm development services. We start your farm for you, complete it and turn it over to you. Just tell us what you want to do.
3. We sell agriculture equipment and tools. We can provide for you all of the agricultural hardware you need for your farm. Just tell us what you want.
4. We are in the business of general agriculture production and services.

Livestock Ranching / Pastoral Farming

Gueve Farm will be engage into small scale livestock ranching/pastoral farming with livestock species like goat, cow (mainly local or what we called country cow), sheep and pig. We believe livestock integration will boost food productivity and soil fertility owing to its synergistic benefits.

Pisciculture / Fish Farming

Fish has been an important component of our diet here in Liberia, but we haven’t been able to effectively engage into pisciculture activities. We also intend to ensure a constant supply of fresh water aquatic species for consumption. We have a suitable environment with good source of high-quality water to support our intention.

Heliciculture / Snail Farming

Many people think that the only way to find and sell snail is by going to the bush during the rainy season to pick these animals. This is not true. We believe that heliciculture or snail farming can be an excellent way to meet the demand for snail meat on our market. Currently a significant percentage of the snail supplied to our local markets are picked from the forest which is unsustainable. With the favorable habitat at Gueve Farm, the clear-cut opportunity and low risk involve, we intend to engage into snail farming at a larger scale.